Welcome to the Sudenland

You were born in, or arrived to, the Barony of Sonnefurt, a growing realm in the southwestern hinterlands of the Empire. Positioned on both sides of two rivers that meet at a fork, the Soll and the Sonne, the realm makes the bulk of it's money by trade passing through it's stretches of the river and roads. Dwarfs from Karak Hirn to the south as well as Tileans and Bretonnians passing onwards from Kreutzhofen at the mouth of the River Soll have begun to make Sonnefurt into a rising, prosperous crossroads! While it is, in truth, still quite poor, it has an enviable position. Even the Border Princes have begun to explore paths through the Black Mountains to better reach the Icy Wind Pass road to the realm.

Despite this prosperity and general contentment, there are profound troubles festering. Greenskins, ever a plague upon old Solland, have been seen gathering in the forests. The Solland Independence movement, until recently only a concern of the conservative folk out east, has within the past year attempted to kill the Baroness von Heisenberg with explosives beneath her favored winery!

While those responsible for this outrage were found and hanged, there are growing rumbles of discontent among the common folk with the Baroness' rule. Her steward, Tobias Brauer, the same steward her father had for his entire life, has grown less diplomatic in his old age, no longer displaying his previous skill at maneuvering the Council of Villages and Guilds. The Council, until the Baroness' reign, was a vestigial aspect of government - they are growing in wealth and power faster than most would suspect.

It is into this that you were born and raised - perhaps you were recruited into the 1st Sonnefurt Regiment of Foote as militia, or perhaps you have grown up in Sonnefurt itself or one of the surrounding villages, moving to the town for it's greater opportunities. Either way, with trouble comes opportunity, and you hope to be part of that!